T-SNE, PCA and other dimensionality reduction algorithms have always been a good way to visualize high-dimensionality datasets. Unfortunately, most of the time, the visualization stops there. If another view of the data is needed, a new chart needs to be computed, projected and displayed.
Toolkits like Bokeh have been a great help to build interactive charts, but the analysis dimension has always been a bit neglected. Last week-end, I took a few hours to glue some Bokeh components together and built an interactive visualization explorer: Chart Miner.
Continue reading “Chart Miner – Exploring 2d Projections”
Tag: t-sne
15 Years of News – Analyzing CNN Transcripts: Visualizing Topics
By extracting several topics from our news corpus, we gained a 10,000 feet view of corpus. We were able to outline many trends and events, but it took a bit of digging. This article will illustrate how the topics relate each to one another. We’ll even throw a bit of animation to take a look back the last 15 years.
When we extracted the topics from the corpus, we also found another way to describe all the news snippets and words. Instead of seeing a document as a collection of words, we could see it as a mixture of topics. We could also do the same thing with topics: every topics is a mixture of words used in its associated fragments.
Continue reading “15 Years of News – Analyzing CNN Transcripts: Visualizing Topics”