A good number of my consulting clients use the very useful and powerful survey tool Limesurvey. Unfortunately, since version 1.92+, it seems impossible to reimport deactivated responses tables into new response tables if the survey was modified. I’m sure this doesn’t matter for long form surveys and mainly static surveys, but some of my clients use this platform as a dynamic form engine. In that case, forms can and will change over the duration of a project.
To resolve this problem and enable the importation of old responses tables, I’ve written a quick Python script. It uses MySQLdb, but that library should be installed by default on most Linux boxes. The script also requires a MySQL database backend but it should be easily adaptable to other database engines.
Continue reading “Limesurvey: How to import responses from a modified deactivated table”
Tag: limesurvey
Using Crystal Reports with Limesurvey
While Limesurvey is a very nice tool to create and manage web surveys, it’s a bit lacking in the reporting area. The functions are a limited and even if you want a quick and dirty, but presentable report, you must export the data and use other tools to format and present the answers to the survey.
While Limesurvey is a very nice tool to create and manage web surveys, it’s a bit lacking in the reporting area. The functions are a limited and even if you want a quick and dirty, but presentable report, you must export the data and use other tools to format and present the answers to the survey.
The problem is the way how Limesurvey stores its data, more specifically the recorded answers. Every column in the table contains theanswer for the question identified by the column and each line (or record) contains a respondent. It seems like a very sensible way to store the respondent’s answers, but the trouble is that it’s very difficult to construct a generic report template in reporting tools with this kind of table schema. To be of any use, the table data have to be converted in a usable form. Furthermore, the schema used by Limesurvey is less than optimal and doesn’t use foreign keys to link tables. This complicates everything.
To convert the answer table data, I’ve written a little python script. It should be pretty plug-and-play. To use it, you have to change the database access variables. The script only takes one argument, the survey id. You can get the survey id in Limesurvey’s administration panel. It should follow the survey title when you select a survey in the administration panel. Continue reading “Using Crystal Reports with Limesurvey”